Thursday, February 21, 2008

It snows a lot here in Ohio. It adds to the doldrums that actually give this area a nice feeling. It must be the consistency. I'd rather have it always be doldrummy than in some indecisive state where you can't define your locale.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ur-in Massillon

It's a privilege here in Massillon.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why I Should Have Stayed in Iowa Longer

My biggest regret from my Iowa experience: No free sandwich.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Denver Airport

More airports should include canned jazz and concise instructions. It really gets your visit (or departure) off on the right foot.

Bye, Colorado. This looks like the right gate. Assuming the Rockies are at my back once we take off, I can feel confident I am going in the right direction.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

He Went <<< >>> way

It took me until now to realize that street signs derive much of their authority from what they're mounted on. Welded to steel girders above the highway? Great. On a metal post at the end of your street? Very good. Nailed to two trees? Reach for the GPS.

Thanks for the help in this realization, Nederland.

In Colorado, the animals show you the way. Cows in Iowa should take notes.


I'm off to the town of Nederland, CO for a day's work. Nederland is Dutch for "Netherlands" And, by the inverse property, Netherlands is English for "Nederland."

I'm posting for two reasons. One, to share the joy with you. Two, so you know my last whereabouts. Nederland is a . . . special place, so I just want to make sure I keep tabs on myself in case I get lost up there. For example, thanks to the discovery of a Frozen Dead Guy, they now celebrate Frozen Dead Guy Days (check your local listings). Maybe I'll get to meet him.