Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour

It's Earth Hour in my time zone. I'm going dark.
DC, on the other hand, is getting ready for a huge weekend: a new baseball park and Cherry Blossoms.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I spent Thursday afternoon lunching at the most exclusive spot in DC: Club MD (a.k.a. The GW Hospital Cafeteria). You can tell it's a hospital because they snuck a lemon into my taco salad. They'll get you those vitamins any way they can, whether you're an in-patient or just visiting.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Improv Everywhere

I wouldn't be a good disseminator of interesting information if I didn't mention Improv Everywhere. They recently arranged some fun in a Los Angeles Mall. At the food court, 16 undercover "agents" create a musical moment by breaking out in song.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Burb Life: Adventures Not in the District (B.L.A.N.D.)

Part 1 of a my 435 part series, exploring the differences between Washington DC and its suburbs.

In Washington DC: A full-sized animal on the loose means your conscience is about to be tested.

In Arlington: A full-sized animal on the loose means . . .

wave, there's a sale at the Staples.

Google Image Labeler: Do Your Part

I know many of you are out there saying, "Darn, I missed World Water Day yesterday. Now I have no way of lending my assistance to a worthy cause. I'm especially in trouble because I hate leaving the house, and I only contribute my time to worthy causes if I can do it over the Internet." That is what you're saying, right?

Well, you lazy philanthropists, there's a cause out there that requires no money down, and no legs down either (i.e. don't get up). Google, the champion of Don't Be Evil, is calling on you to help them out. (and, by helping Google, you help us all.)

They are currently in the process of indexing every single bit of information in the whole wide world. Hard to believe that they would need some help. But they do.

If you love using Google Image Search, but always thought it could be more accurate, well, now you can make that a reality. Surf over to the Google Image Labeler. It's simple. Once you begin, you are shown a series images. You enter words to describe the images (word association!). If the random person who is simultaneously describing the images matches one of your words, then bingo, Google uses that descriptive word to make their searches better.

It's faster than open-heart surgery and more fun that playing Frogger. Try it. It'll make you feel better.

disclaimer: using Google Image Labeler should not be used as moral compensation for not giving to actual charities.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I'll say this on the record (first time in a while I could say that), if any television show can accurately caricature the $25,000 Pyramid as well as the clip below, attention must be paid.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


New Adventures commencing shortly . . .
Please enjoy the music while packing begins, the fuel tank is filled, and GPS is programmed.