Saturday, May 24, 2008

Online Voting - Can you spare a minute

A co-worker of mine from the campaign in Iowa loved the life so much that she has decided to run for the State House. While I don't think I'm going to head back there for another summer of organizing, there's some things I can do from here. And you can help.

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin is donating money to help local candidates. To determine who to give the money to, he's using an online vote. To me this seems be a bit crazy, since I'd rather the money be spent on the merits. But, if this is the game, I'm more than willing to play. If you can spare a minute to go the website below and vote, I'd appreciate it.

You have to pick your favorite state Senate candidate first. Pick whoever you want for this category. But when you get to State House, my friend's name is Cayla Baresel. She's the 4th one down on the list. They also ask for your contact info. I'll turn the other way if you choose to use a secondary e-mail, just your initials, or even fake name. My guess is that they just want to add you to Tom Harkin's fundraising e-mail list, so there's no harm in honesty. That would just mean a few e-mails a year when he's raising funds. So that parts up to you.

Cayla is my age and a native Iowan. And while at first her age may seem like a detriment, the person she's running against won the seat in 2006 at the age of 22. So there's precedent.

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