Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day 3 - The End of the Road

Ryan departs tomorrow. And since it will take us a long time to get to O'Hare, we're going to get going early. So, out touring time has ended. Now, you're probably asking why it will take so long if we have a GPS . . . well, Nuvi is upset with us because we took her on our walk today. But she still thought we were in a car. When we walked over pedestrian bridges, she thought we had driven straight into the river. She called the police, who found us in good health, and Nuvi was very embarrassed. Sorry.

My traveling partner has been a great help. And I've enjoyed seeing him blossom into a full-fledged blogger. When we began, he thought blogger was Frogger's Ms. Pac Man. Now, he's beaming up photos from his phone before he even opens his eyes in the morning. (About that, Ryan, please be wary that many of our readers are children. Sometimes, it's best to see what your snapping photos of.)

While Ryan flies East, I drive West. My driving journey ends sometime Thursday night, in Des Moines. But my occupational journey is just starting. Stay tuned to this website (check you local listings) for more info on all that jazz (<------Chicago....get it?)

-- Curtis

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