Friday, June 29, 2007
Chloe, Send that to my PDA
Pennybags and H2O
Thursday, June 28, 2007
House Guests
As you can see, they did use my washing machine. So, while I'm no Martha Stewart, hopefully they enjoyed their stay.
The guests included my pal Andy Z. (on back right), and two of his friends.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Someone Get That Cervidae some Contact Lenses
A lesson for those driving back after a night in Cherokee, IA:
In New Jersey, lightning bugs are abundant, but they keep their flashes of brilliance to the woods, just beyond the border of your property. You know what I'm talking about. They perform, like a fireworks show, but don't tend to congregate nearby. Here in Iowa, they take their business to right along the side of the road. Hey, more power to them, except . . .
Back home, I've learned to spot deer on the side of the road by spotting two little balls of light, their eyes reflecting the headlights. Apparently, two flashing lightning bugs side by side looks exactly like a deer with a retinal condition. The end result is me thinking I see a deer every 6 feet, forcing me to stop and go more than (insert joke here) (zing).
The most dangerous animal might actually be a deer with something in it's eye, causing it to blink a lot, making me think it's just lightning bugs, lulling me into a false sense of complacency, before it pounces onto the road for a game of tag. And also, it shoots lasers out of it's eyes.
"Contrary to what most people say, the most dangerous animal in the world is not the lion or the tiger or even the elephant. It's a shark riding on an elephant's back, just trampling and eating everything they see."
-- Jack Handey
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Top 5
Today is my pal Yehudit's birthday. She lives in Israel, so, in honor of the event, I've produced a Top 5 List.
Top 5 Ways Iowa and Israel are Alike
5) Both have famous acronyms:
Iowa has RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.
Israel has FALAFEL (For Americans, Looking At a Falafel Equals Love)
Within hours of declaring it's statehood, several neighboring states declared war on Israel.
Within 23 years of Iowa declaring statehood, William Semple of Ohio patents chewing gum
The Jewish population of Israel is over 72%.
The Jewish population of Iowa increased 72% when I arrived on 7/2/07.
2) Both start with "I". (sorry, that was lame, but would you rather I just wrote a top four list?)
1) And the most eery similarity of them all . . .
Israel has been in border disputes, cultural clashes, and unsteady ceasefires since 1948.
In 1948, a Nebraskan gave an Iowan a passive aggressive half-turn when the driver cut him off on Route 20. Unsteady relations ensued ever since.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wait, Which One is Sequin?
Occasionally my mom will ask what clothes I chose for a particular event. I'd love to tell her, but I can't always find the words. I say plaid, when I mean striped, and I say striped when I mean penny-loafer.
Instead, I'll just throw up a picture.
I only show the shirt because . . .
1) You try taking a self-portrait with a phone and capturing more than your torso
2) I only remembered to take it after I had taken my pants off already. (calm down, ladies)
To keep variety spicing up my life, I've been exploring back roads for routes that I drive on a regular basis. This dirty back window is courtesy of Lake Avenue between Le Mars and Sioux City. They're not much for paving out here.
Outside the Cubicle
Oh wait. He said that out loud.
Ray Bolger hits Cherokee
Iowa's communities are small, but tight knit. That's evidenced by their affection for parades. They're not just about sitting along Main Street to see the floats. It's about making sure to see your neighbor. Check on their health. Ask about their kids.
Tight knit communities also breed tight knit community theatres. At least, that's what it seems like. Both Le Mars and Cherokee have community theatres that have caught my eye. I'm hoping to take a trip up to Cherokee this weekend to see The Wizard of Oz. It won't be a Kennedy Center production, but that's not what I'm looking for. I miss the productions of yore (pre-college) built on sweat, low-budgets, and camaraderie. Sure, the Kennedy Center has sweat, but they also have personal butlers to wipe their brow.
Attending the show is also a way to tame the withdrawal from college theatre. This current job of mine probably prohibits doing a show myself (except Curtis's Apartment Guide), so watching these performances takes on added significance.
That being said, if a local community wanted to put on a production of The Mikado, and was in desperate need of Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner . . . well, I could make a few phone calls.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
No More
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Still Kicking
Dear future guests in my car,
As I was driving around the Hy-Vee parking lot this evening (having picked up dinner), I threw some sunflower seeds in my mouth to enjoy on the ride home. One became lodged towards the back of my mouth, near the windpipe. Several gasping coughs later, it shot out of my mouth, struck me in the eye, and landed somewhere, I'm not quite sure where, in the car. Should you find this shell before I do, let this serve as an explanation and an apology.
Best Wishes,
And Thanks for choosing to ride with me,
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Gourmet Sandwiches?
America's Best Kept Secret, or A Jersey Boy's Ignorance
In the Shopping Spotlight: Hy-Vee
After my earlier mention of Panera Bread, a co-worker suggested I was only writing this in the hopes of getting a free lunch. And now that I'm profiling Hy-Vee, he's sure to razz me again. Well, not only is that ridiculous, but, I just want to say, my favorite Hy-Vee lunch is the sesame chicken, with a side of white rice. I'll even pick it up myself. If you want me to mention your store location, then you'll have to add a second fortune cookie.
What is it: Hy-Vee is a magical place. They sell mostly groceries, but they have special sections for Chinese food, a bakery, a deli, a bank, and a pharmacy. This one-stop-shopping mentality is brilliant. It's not a strip mall. It's all under the same roof.
Chain Information: More than 220 retail stores in the midwest, offering everything from online floral delivery to catering, to your standard grocery store.
Why I Visit: Because they sell local products.
Why I Really Visit: Because I can't tell the the difference between local products and products from neighboring states.
Price Drop: 6-inch sub for $3.00.
Product Drop: A bushel of bananas while shopping there yesterday. Sorry, produce guy. Clean up, aisle 4?
What They Don't Say in the Circular: Hy-Vee is really clean. Even if they had a direct competitor, the fact that I can see my reflection in the floor (which facilitates my Mr. Clean impressions) probably means I would stick with Hy-Vee.
If you ever come to visit out here, I will take you there. If you ever visit when I'm not around, you should go there. I you ever get into real-estate . . . build one.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Now You May Join the Elks My Friend
The Shriners deserve their own blog video, just because they have the coolest parade techniques. Each local branch drives around in their own stylized mini-vehicles. This is something we don't have in Sussex. Not yet, at least.
Because of the poor video quality, I must clarify that this is part of the parade, and not some sort of quasi-invasion.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Answer: Grand and High Flying
Warning: This post contains both heart-warming delight and yet another reference to Sussex County.
I'll be honest. When I attended the annual Memorial Day Parade in Branchville, NJ, before I left for Iowa, I thought I was done for the year with parades. Not by choice, but I couldn't envision another parade situation. I once again wasn't invited to be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (22 years running) and the last good Arbor Day Parade probably occurred when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.
Well, I was certainly wrong. And thanks to my extensive experience both watching and participating in the Branchville parade, I was ready for the Flagfest parade in Spencer, IA. At this year's parade, Spencer, Iowa was officially named the Flag Capital of Iowa. I celebrated with a BBQ sandwich and a root beer float. You may be surprised to hear that I did in fact pay for the food. This was because in Branchville, I learned . . .
1) The possibility exists of being invited to eat, for free, from the platter at local familes' houses.
2) That possibility only exists if you know that family. Being new to Spencer, I took the more traditional route and exchanged cash for goods. Might some nice family have shared a burger? Probably. Was it worth the risk to march right up and take one from their 3-year-old daughter? Probably not.
Some photos are below. I commend Spencer on their wide variety of parade participants. They had the traditional firetrucks, but they also had animals, old cars, local businesses, and a giant beverage.
Friday, June 8, 2007
The New Home Team
Thursday, June 7, 2007
City Profile: Sioux City
Name: Sioux City
Birthday: 1854
Centennial: Do the math
Favorite Historical Figures: Lewis and Clark.
Favorite Other Historical Figure: Lewis and Clark's buddy, Sgt. Floyd
Incorrect Preconceived Notion: It's part of South Dakota
Corrected Version of Notion: It's next to South Dakota, AND, it used to have more corn palaces than Mitchell, SD, home of the Corn Palace.
Famous Landmarks: Theophile Bruguier Cabin, Abraham Lincoln Statue, Panera Bread
E is if Ethanol. L is for Lease.
I feel it's important to say I've found a place to live in Sioux City. I've posted enough photos of my Aerobed at other people's apartments, that it's only fair to say I will now be using it in a place of my own. I sign the lease tomorrow and photos to follow. Nothing too revealing because I don't want any of you lookie-lou's getting too good a sight (stalkers, please call in advance).
This weekend, I think I'll load up the car and explore Iowa some more. Apparently they grow E-85 Ethanol fuel out here. I'm curious if it grows on trees or if it's a legume. Below is a picture of it in its natural habitat.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Encounter
I'll use my 9-days-since-I-left-NJ Anniversary to take a look back at the biggest event so far. Below is a video from the Hall of Fame Dinner in Cedar Rapids. If you want to get a feel for the whole event, the whole video is less than 3 minutes. However, if you don't want any extraneous details, just scroll in until there is 1:39 remaining (or 1:14 into the video) for a brief (very brief) glimpse of my cheering contribution.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
It's a World of Laughter, a World of Tears
A conversation overheard by me today (probably because I was involved in the conversation)
Curtis: I'm from a small town in New Jersey called Wantage, in a county called Sussex.
Colleague: New Jersey's 5th district?
Curtis: . . . (stunned silence)
Colleague: I worked on a fundraiser for a guy named Aronsohn who ran for Congress there.
I'd heard politics is a small world and that at some point I'd have have stories like this. But I've only been here 4 days and already I meet a co-worker who's been through Sussex. Part of me is bothered by the fact that politics is so predictable (meaning, those who I talked to told me this would happen). But another part of me thinks this is pretty cool.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
What is that?
Why Des Moines is just like New Orleans and Sussex
Holiday Inn Express-ish
On the Road Again
Don't tell, Brueggers Bagels, but I am writing this from my real favorite place. It's the very first place I ate on Thursday, and the last place I will eat for a while. The Blue Strawberry, Cedar Rapids, IA. The staff here has been nicer than can be expected, and they have a variety of muffins, sandwiches, and beverages. If you're ever in town (ya know, driving through Iowa on a whim), I recommend this location.
Good news, Nuvi is going to get another chance to show her skills. I have to be in Des Moines in a few hours, and all I have is an address for Hillary Clinton Headquarters. More good news, I may have a place to sleep tonight. Rumour has it that, yes, we have supporter housing. I just don't know who that is yet. I'm fine with that. I mean, I'm assuming that whoever it is will have TiVO, broadband Internet, premium cable, Slingbox, a plasma TV, and running water, . . .right?
In the past 48 hours, I've slept on the floor, had a one-sentence exchange with Hillary Clinton, yelled till I was hoarse, and become a regular at the Blue Strawberry . . .
I guess it's all downhill from here.
It's The Food, Stupid
It also will be my last meal here, at least for a while.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Comfort Food
In my 3 hour break before the dinner tonight, I wound up back at the bagel shop. Oh, Routine, you temptress. Can't say no to the familiar.
I know what you're saying. You think I'm only here for the wi-fi. And maybe you're right. But don't say that in front of Bruegger's Bagels. It's not polite.
Time to change those digital camera batteries. Anything can happen tonight. That Bill Richardson is a wild one.
Friday, June 1, 2007
This Message Will Self-Destruct When You Close the Window
Things are rolling now. I have to be discreet, in case there are Edwards spies out there (that includes you, grandma). Maybe after this weekend is over, I can talk about what goes in to making an event like this a success. (I also have to wait because it would be foolish to call it a success before it even begins).
Since I like mixing media, I'll include a photo below even if it's not timely. It's from graduation...but you can use it to see how far I've come since then. That's me on the left. As you can see by my robes, I used to be a Ph.D. Now, I'm just a field organizer.
OK, I'm actually the one on the right. But I'd still say getting a haircut was quite a transformation as well and can be considered coming a long way.
-- Curtis
Call Emeril
Some reassurance
Ryan's Last Message: Back in NJ
back on the east coast Going to the book fair with allison... Sorry you couldnt be here curtis!
First morning
My assignment
After training on Monday in Des Moines, I will be in Western Iowa. Sioux City area.
When I told some of the local (Cedar Rapids) organizers this, they kind of laughed, because it is very rural out west. However, I think this could be good. Not having an abundance of campaign experience, I have very few implicit advantages in going about my job. However, coming from rural Sussex was something I hoped I could capitalize on. That wouldn't be possible if I was in one of the bigger Southeastern cities.
So now I just have to remember what I learned growing up. Condense it in to easy to remember lessons. And apply it here. Easy as pie. Right?
Check a map,